
SCPI Command :

class MbwPrefCls[source]

MbwPref commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

class MbwPrefStruct[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Enable: bool: Enables/disables transmitting the parameter ‘MaxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16’ in the IE ‘OtherConfig’.

  • Prohibit_Timer: enums.ProhibitTimer: Signaled ‘maxBW-PreferenceProhibitTimer-r16’. Sn: n ms SnDm: n.m ms

get() MbwPrefStruct[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:SIGNaling:UEASsistance:NRADio:MBWPref
value: MbwPrefStruct = driver.configure.signaling.ueAssistance.nradio.mbwPref.get()

Configures requests for the preferred maximum aggregated bandwidth.


structure: for return value, see the help for MbwPrefStruct structure arguments.

set(enable: bool, prohibit_timer: ProhibitTimer = None) None[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:SIGNaling:UEASsistance:NRADio:MBWPref
driver.configure.signaling.ueAssistance.nradio.mbwPref.set(enable = False, prohibit_timer = enums.ProhibitTimer.INF)

Configures requests for the preferred maximum aggregated bandwidth.

param enable:

Enables/disables transmitting the parameter ‘MaxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16’ in the IE ‘OtherConfig’.

param prohibit_timer:

Signaled ‘maxBW-PreferenceProhibitTimer-r16’. Sn: n ms SnDm: n.m ms